Thursday, September 13, 2007

When is the Web 2.0 bubble going to burst???

People, mostly teens are now a days seen hanging out on one social networking site or the others, most of them are just plain crap but quite a few of them are still making the users spend most of their time playing around with their buddies or scrappin' them such as Facebook, Myspace and Orkut.

What we are witnessing here is a phenonmenon unknown for by us a few years back. Earlier websites were used as brochures providing a kind of communication that still was one way, from the company to the users. Then came websites giving email services where we can have interaction but limited to a larger extent.

What followed was websites using comments posting, blogging, feed aggregation etc. Thus came the buzzword, "Web 2.0" The word was born during a brainstorming session between Tim O'Reilly and Dale Doherty while assessing the dot com crash in 2001 found that it gave rise to a whole new generation of websites and thus Web 2.0 conference was born. (See for reference)

Web 2.0 websites are basically dynamic websites as against static websites which merely serve as brochures for their companies. These new age websites will encourage more participation from user.

Now what could be the effects of these Web 2.0 enabled websites. As i already mentioned, one thing that these websites can do is bring in more users who can participate in a website. User participation would lead to knowledge sharing.

We already know that people have an innate desire to share knowledge. Every person has some capability or the other to comment, voice opinion or give suggestion over one topic or other. The point here is that these websites will force people to post their comments, voice their concerns on the general web space. We also know that whenever we are up for something be it a movie, clothing, accessories, mobile, doctor ... i mean anything ... we always ask for opinions... though we might not follow them.

This leads us to the topic of the next post i.e. "User Generated Content: Hits and Misses". Watch out for this space to know more about UGC and its applications.

So opinions is what people like to give and also take from others. There is a definite market for it and many people have built strong businesses over the internet just by sharing comments and postings of different users.

Web 2.0 with all its features of blogging, sharing content over the internet, syndication and aggregation has been just 4 years old. But how much long will it last. People say that it is here to stay while some consider it as a bubble waiting to be burst.

Although sites such as Myspace and Facebook, Delicious and Digg, are adding more and more users day by day, their irrelevance will only grow by time when people realize it.

Also there are companies which are trying to implement web 2.0 technologies into their website unknown of its effects. Web 2.0 features though encourage the free spirit also attract unwanted elements. If not properly edited people might find unwanted content lingering on their website only to be edited and thrown out. Any unwanted content for a short period of time on a website can do enormous damage.

Finally webspace is an ever-evolving entity where the obvious cycle is moving from web 2.0 to web 3.0, which will most probably cover the video content. It is still to be seen whether how many users hold on to the web 2.0 websites.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Why Sarrthi???

Obvious question is why at all "Sarrthi"... well to be true to myself... was fed up with all the names that i tried... anything that was close to what i thought was right was taken by somebody else...

After trying my luck for the nth time.. i finally gave up and asked Krsna to help me out... and bingo... got the word... Sarrthi... Well... Sarrthi.. comes from the epic... Mahabharata... in which the Lord Himself became a... Sarrthi.. or Charioteer for Arjuna... a great hero of that time... Lord Krsna, himself being a God and also the king of many states... became a simple charioteer just to show that God knows no boundaries to people whom he cares for...

This event also is significant from the fact that... Lord Krsna knew that Arjuna would be bewildered at the start of the War and would give up arms and come to Krsna for help... And Krsna truely delivers Arjuna and makes him realize the real goal of life... For if we whole heartedly surrender to Lord Krsna than Lord will himself deliver you from all the obstacles in life... And as they say... he will lead you from darkness to Light!!! ... just as a charioteer steers the chariot from difficult roads to the right path...

Well believe it or not, the "NAME" does have its relevance...


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My First Blog @ Blogger

Well technically speaking, this is actually my first blog at blogger, i did some blogging while at yahoo 360 but due to its awkward display and un-user friendly i became quite averse to blogging. I guess only provides you that kind of clean and user-friendly experience that others havent.

So now, its 7.00 am precisely... I have been working from 5.00 am in the morning just to meed the deadline set by my boss... i am quite not an early riser and definitely not a hard worker... but sometimes situations demand so much that we need to make compromises... (compromising on sleeping is the toughest... i can bet you on that ;) ....

So what my blog would be about... well i sincerely dont know... havent figured out yet.. maybe I wanted to share information... anything from the latest technology to the current trends, from sports to internet... from web 2.0 to business plans... from education consultancy to IT...

Being a management graduate i have loads of information to share and more than that to gain... so if you guys did like this one... plz post me any damn question under the sun... and i would sincerely try to figure out the answer to it...
